Adriana, Mat y James - disfrutando la vida en la tierra de extremos!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Not being a fish eater, Mat spent the day relaxing and exploring the countryside - as you can see the climate is getting a little bit chillier as we approach the South American winter.

Porque no lo come pescada, Mat estuvo muy tranquilo y era caminando mucho en la tierra - podes ver que la clima va a ser un poco mas frio ahora porque otoño va a salir pronto y inicia invierno.


Blogger Mat said...

Hi Ianto -

Yeah I think the same thing too when I look at these photos now, its scarily similar! And the climate too.

But if you saw how flat the landscape was you`d never think of Scotland, its a complete contrast - and no there weren`t any midges, and thankfully no mosquitoes either!

1:14 am


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