Adriana, Mat y James - disfrutando la vida en la tierra de extremos!

Friday, February 04, 2005

El Obelisco on Nueve De Julio.

On the widest avenue in the world, Avenida Nueve De Julio, Mat stands infront of the Teatro Colon - the Columbus Theatre.

Round the corner from the Pink House, the Correo Central (Central Post Office) - a really grand building inside and out.

Another view of the Pink House, where the Argentine President resides.

And a couple of the Federal Capital as requested! Adri in the Plaza De Mayo in front of the Pink House.

Clockwise from left: Totti, Sylvina, Gerty, Pablo, Maxy, Tottis girlfriend, Gisella, Pachi, Juan & Fernanda

Okay, now a couple of pictures of friends (and family) - Fernanda, Marina & Anamaria.

Alex & James went fishing off this pier on the last day there.

James, Adri & Alex on the beach - there was a really cold Atlantic breeze but we found a windbreak between two sand dunes.

We stumbled across a really picturesque view on the beach.

James, Alex & Mat at the sand dunes.

Adri at the sand dunes.

James and Adri walking to the sand dunes.

Okay we have to go back to December now, when we travelled down the coast from Buenos Aires to a resort called Pinamar. This is the main street there, its pretty quiet because we beat the tourist season.