Adriana, Mat y James - disfrutando la vida en la tierra de extremos!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Having had little (if no) luck fishing wise at the first lake, we took a drive and found another promising spot. The problem was that, having not rained for at least a week, the water levels were extremely low. This river, for example, would normally completely submerge the bank and road you can see in the right of the picture.

Teniamos mala suerte en el primero lago, entonces viajamos a otro lugar. El problema era que no llovio por una semana a menos, y no habia mucho agua en este lago tampoco.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The landscape is, to a degree, quite reminiscent of that in certain parts of Britain, although this similarity is aided by the biting cold breeze currently being swept up from the glacial regions in the Southernmost tip of the country.

La tierra es, mas o menos, similar a la tierra en partes de Gran Bretaña, y ahora hay un clima muy similar tambien, con un viento muy frio de los glaciares en el sur.

Not being a fish eater, Mat spent the day relaxing and exploring the countryside - as you can see the climate is getting a little bit chillier as we approach the South American winter.

Porque no lo come pescada, Mat estuvo muy tranquilo y era caminando mucho en la tierra - podes ver que la clima va a ser un poco mas frio ahora porque otoño va a salir pronto y inicia invierno.

We travelled about 150km south from the city finding ourselves surrounded by astonishingly flat, serene, and silent fields and lakes - a real contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city life. Here you see Juan getting ready to wait for the elusive "bite".

Desde BsAs viajamos 150km mas o menos, encontrando pastos y lagos lindos en todos lados - muy diferente a la vida en la ciudad . Aca podes ver Juan preparando su equipo de pescar.

In early May, Mat went fishing with Juan and his dad - the only problem with fishing is the early start! this is the view at 6.00 am.

A principio de mayo, Mat fue a pescar con Juan y su padre - el problema sola con pescando es que tenès que iniciar muy temprano! Mirar la vista a las seis en la mañana.

Alejandro and Anamarias new business - the Wilde Libreria, a succesful extension to the Dalponte household. Best of luck guys!

La nueva empresa de Alejandro y Anamaria - la Libreria de Wilde, un gran adicion a la casa Dalponte. Mucha suerte chicos!

The view inside the Libreria - very nice indeed.

La vista de la interior de la Libreria - muy linda eh.